The Digital Garden
An open collection of notes, articles I'm currently cultivating. The maturity level ranges from Seedling 🌱, Budding 🌿 and Evergreen 🌳.

Budding 🌿
A streamlined research workflow for paper discovery, active note-taking, synthesis, and management, powered by Zotero, ResearchRabbit, and Obsidian.

Budding 🌿
Obsidian Plugins to Supercharge your Note-Taking Experience
Discover the essential plugins to boost your productivity in Obsidian based on personal experience

Budding 🌿
Jupyter Tips & Tricks for Python, R, Julia
A compilation of Jupyter tips for running Python, R, Julia code and kernel management

Budding 🌿
Getting Started with Architectural Decision Records (ADR) for Your Project
How to include an ADR process into your project systematically.

Budding 🌿
Learning Spark AR in Public
Follow my journey as I learn to use Spark AR to make AR filters for Instagram and Facebook

Evergreen 🌳
How I Passed the Terraform Associate Certification
Notes on my preparation for the Terraform associate certification

Evergreen 🌳
How to add Git Bash to Windows Terminal
Adding custom profiles such as Git Bash to Windows Terminal

Budding 🌿
Postman Tips and Tricks
A list of useful tips I learnt from 30 Days of Postman and Postman: The Complete Guide Udemy course

Budding 🌿
My Docker Setup for Gatsby
How I get the development environment for my Gatsby site up and running on Docker

Seedling 🌱
Managing Backward Compatibility and Development Time
Some thoughts on prioritizing backward compatibility implementation and managing development time

Seedling 🌱
Key Takeaways from SWE Books
A list of key takeaways from Software Engineering related books I read

Seedling 🌱
Digital Marbling on Procreate
Draw with Walter Series: Notes on digital marbling techniques on Procreate

Seedling 🌱
Digital One Line Drawings on Procreate
Draw with Walter Series: Notes on creating one line drawings on Procreate

Seedling 🌱
Gestalt Principles in UI Design
Some references and budding ideas on Gestalt Principles in UI design

Budding 🌿
Diagramming Tools
My search for the best diagramming tools and a comparison of tools that I have used

Evergreen 🌳
How I built a Theme Switcher based on Singapore attractions
A Singapore-inspired colour theme switcher