How I Built My Website
1 min read ⚡️Last tended a year ago
Budding 🌿Planted 3 years ago
This note contains the changelog of notable changes for building this website. There are links to other documentation that helped in the building process. You find them useful when you are developing something similar.
The roadmap contains a list of features I have in mind to implement in the future.
Have a question or idea? Send me a tweet!
- Expand About to individual page
- Add Webmention widgets
- Support gatsby-theme-brain for Roam-like bi-directional references
- Improve site navigation
- Search functionality
- Improve design system
Browse by tagsSupport Table of Contents for better navigation for long term articles
Version Changes
V1.4: Typescript 🇹 🇸
Released: 16 Jul 2022
- Migrated React components from JSX to Typescript with tools such as GraphQL Code Generator
- Improved code base with linting standards such as wesbos-eslint-config
- Rerouted all pages to root url for SEO optimization eg.
- Added tag pages to allow browsing of articles by tags
- Added mobile friendly linktree-like page for social media profiles
V1.3: Gatsby 4, Docker and Optimization 🐋
Released: 27 Feb 2022
- Upgraded to Gatsby V4
- Added Docker support for cross-platform local development
- Removed Prismic support
V1.2: Resonance Library 📚
Released: 19 Nov 2021
- Added Resonance Library
- Added "Share to Twitter" component for articles
V1.1: Theme Switcher and other Goodies 🎨
Released: 20 Jul 2021
- Added Theme Switcher feature to support dark mode and much more
- Progressive Web App (PWA) ready
- Support Open Graph Meta Tags for search engine optimization (SEO)
- Changed data source from Prismic to native MDX for more control of my content
- Replaced original Prist components with custom components for better UI
- Added Reading Time
- Added anchor links to headers in articles
V1: Hello World 🐣
Released: 20 Jun 2021
- Bootstrapped using Marguerite Roth's Prist which provides nifty integration to Prismic CMS and basic Hero, About, Portfolio react components
- Upgraded the base code to support Gatsby v3 and resolved several breaking changes. (More details on this someday 🤞)